

Free and Open

bl_bridge (opens in a new tab) WIP

A bridging resource for multiple frameworks.

  • Player
    • ESX, QB, Ox Core, ND, Custom
  • Target
    • ESX, QB Target, Ox Target, Custom
  • Interface
    • ESX, QB, Ox Lib, Custom
  • Inventory
    • ESX, QB, OX, PS, Custom

bl_svelte_template (opens in a new tab)

A template for creating FiveM resources using Svelte. Current Features:

  • Svelte 4.0.
  • Debug Menu for testing in browser.
    • Can add buttons, sliders, inputs to emulate data being sent from the client.
    • Can define Event Handlers that pretend its being received in the client and can send back data.
  • TailwindCSS.
  • Can use localhost in fxmanifest for Hot Reloading inside FiveM which is no different from built version.

bl_ui (opens in a new tab) WIP

A UI resource that consists of a unique variety of skill checks.

  • Skill Checks
    • Circle Progress
    • Progress
    • Number Slide
    • Key Circle
    • Key Spam
    • Rapid Lines
    • More to come...

bl_vehiclemenu (opens in a new tab)

Advanced vehicle menu for FiveM.

bl_idcard (opens in a new tab)

A customisable and immaculate ID card system for your FiveM server.

  • ESX, QB, ND, Custom