
Data type

--- @class Button
--- @field label string
--- @field id string|number? (optional)
--- @field onSelect function? (optional)
--- @field close boolean? (optional)
--- @field nextDialog string? (optional)
--- @class dialog
--- @field job string
--- @field id string
--- @field ped number?
--- @field name string
--- @field text string
--- @field buttons Button[]



data: table

  • ped: number (handle)
    The handle representing the ped (pedestrian character).

  • dialog: table

    • id: string | number
      A unique identifier for the dialog, used to control which dialog is active.

    • job: string
      The label for the ped's job or role.

    • name: string
      The name of the ped.

    • text: string
      The content of the dialog text.

    • textSpeed: number?
      The text writing speed, measured in milliseconds per character. Default: 25ms.

    • buttons: array of table
      A list of buttons associated with the dialog. Each button can have the following properties:

      • label: string
        The text displayed on the button.

      • id?: string | number (optional)
        An optional unique identifier for the button.

      • nextDialog?: string (optional)
        If specified, opens the dialog with the given ID.

      • close?: boolean (optional)
        Indicates whether the dialog should be closed when this button is pressed.

      • onSelect?: function(switchDialog: function) (optional)
        A callback function triggered when the button is selected. The function receives the dialog data as a parameter.


  • return: string | number The ID of the last button that closed the dialog.



dialogId: number|string


local lastButtonId = exports.bl_dialog:showDialog({
    ped = ped,
    dialog = {
            id = 'initial_fish_talk',
            job = 'Fisher Man',
            name = 'Robert',
            text = 'first dialog',
            buttons = {
                    id = 'leave1',
                    label = 'Switch',
                    nextDialog = 'fish_catalog', -- switch to second dialog
                    onSelect = function(switchDialog)
                        if not canSwitchToLastDialog then
                        -- do something here
                        switchDialog('fish_talk_end') -- switch to third dialog
            id = 'fish_catalog',
            job = 'Fisher Man',
            name = 'Robert',
            text = 'second dialog',
            buttons = {
                    id = 'leave2',
                    label = 'Switch',
                    nextDialog = 'initial_fish_talk',
            id = 'fish_talk_end',
            job = 'Fisher Man',
            name = 'Robert',
            text = 'third dialog',
            buttons = {
                    id = 'end',
                    label = 'End conversation', --end conversation
                    close = true,
-- lastButtonId should be == `end`