Skill Checks


If you are planning on having minigames all throughout your resource, you should consider the following.

    local bl_ui = exports.bl_ui

So that you can easily access the minigames like following.

Circle Progress

The player must press the key when the the segment is inside the target zone.

    local success = bl_ui:CircleProgress(iterations, difficulty)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the speed of the circle.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • Possible Keys:
    • 1 2 3 4



The player must press the key when the the segment is inside the target zone.

    local success = bl_ui:Progress(iterations, difficulty)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the speed of the circle.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • Possible Keys:
    • 1 2 3 4


Key Spam

The player must press the key shown as fast as possible to try and fill the circle before the time runs out.

    local success = bl_ui:KeySpam(iterations, difficulty)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the speed of the circle.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • Possible Keys:
    • W A S D


Key Circle

The player must press both of the keys shown as fast as possible before the time for that stage runs out.

    local success = bl_ui:KeyCircle(iterations, difficulty, numberOfKeys)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the speed of the circle.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • numberOfKeys?: number is the amount of set of keys the player has to press.
    • 3 is the default amount of keys.
  • Possible Keys:
    • Set 1: W A S D
    • Set 2: I J K L


Number Slide

The player must press the number inside the zone before it leaves.

    local success = bl_ui:NumberSlide(iterations, difficulty, numberOfKeys)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the speed of the circle.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • numberOfKeys?: number is the amount of set of keys the player has to press.
    • 3 is the default amount of keys.
  • Possible Keys:
    • 1 2 3 4


Rapid Lines

The player must press the key when the the line is inside the target zone.

    local success = bl_ui:RapidLines(iterations, difficulty, numberOfLines)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the speed of the circle.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • numberOfLines?: number is the amount of lines the player has to complete.
    • 5 is the default amount of lines.
  • Possible Keys:
    • E


Circle Shake

Component shakes when the user segment is over an invisible target.

    local success = bl_ui:CircleShake(iterations, difficulty, numberOfStages)
  • iterations?: number is the amount of iterations the player has to complete.
    • 1 is the default iteration.
  • difficulty?: number (1-100) is the difficulty of the minigame, this will affect the size of the invisible target.
    • 50 is the default difficulty.
  • numberOfStages?: number is the amount of set of stages the player has to press.
    • 3 is the default amount of keys.
