
Server Appearance Exports

Below are the appearance exports that are available to use in your resource. From the server side.



  • This function will return the appearance of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will return the player's appearance.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
  • Return: TAppearance The appearance of the player ped.
    exports.bl_appearance:GetPlayerAppearance(frameworkID: number): TAppearance


  • This function will return the skin of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will return the player's skin.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
  • Return: TSkin The skin of the player ped.
    exports.bl_appearance:GetPlayerSkin(frameworkID: number): TSkin


  • This function will return the clothes of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will return the player's clothes.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
  • Return: TClothes The clothes of the player ped.
    exports.bl_appearance:GetPlayerClothes(frameworkID: number): TClothes


  • This function will return the tattoos of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will return the player's tattoos.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
  • Return: TTattoos The tattoos of the ped.
    exports.bl_appearance:GetPlayerTattoos(frameworkID: number): TTattoo[]



  • This function will save the appearance of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will save the player's appearance.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
    • appearance: TAppearance The appearance to save.
    exports.bl_appearance:SavePlayerAppearance(frameworkID: number, appearance: TAppearance)


  • This function will save the skin of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will save the player's skin.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
    • skin: TSkin The skin to save.
    exports.bl_appearance:SavePlayerSkin(frameworkID: number, skin: TSkin)


  • This function will save the clothes of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will save the player's clothes.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
    • clothes: TClothes The clothes to save.
    exports.bl_appearance:SavePlayerClothes(frameworkID: number, clothes: TClothes)


  • This function will save the tattoos of the player.
  • The argument is the frameworkID of the player. But if its not provided, it will save the player's tattoos.
  • Parameters:
    • frameworkID: number The frameworkID of the player.
    • tattoos: TTattoos The tattoos to save.
    exports.bl_appearance:SavePlayerTattoos(frameworkID: number, tattoos: TTattoo[])