Bl Bridge

BL Bridge WIP

A highly useful resource for FiveM servers that allows you to easily create resources with that are compatible with esx qb and ox.

Current Features:

  • Core: ox, qb, esx
  • Target: ox, qb
  • Progressbar: ox, qb
  • Notification: ox, qb
  • Context Menu: ox, qb
  • Radial Menu: ox, qb


Insert the code below into your fxmanifest.lua if you want to use it for development purposes.

    client_scripts '@bl_bridge/imports/client.lua',
    server_scripts '@bl_bridge/imports/server.lua',


Download the latest release (opens in a new tab) of BL Bridge.

Extract the contents of the zip file into your resources folder.

Add ensure bl_bridge to your server.cfg file.

Copy these convars to your cfg file and configure them to your liking.

# Frameworks 'ox' | 'qb' | 'esx' | 'qbx'
setr bl:framework 'qb' 
# Inventories 'ox' | 'qb' | 'esx' | 'ps' | 'qs' | 'none'
setr bl:inventory 'ox'
# Context 'ox' | 'qb'
setr bl:context 'ox'
# Target 'ox' | 'qb'
setr bl:target 'ox'
# Progress 'ox' | 'qb'
setr bl:progressbar 'ox'
# Radial 'ox' | 'qb'
setr bl:radial 'ox'
# Notification 'ox' | 'qb' | 'esx'
setr bl:notify 'ox'
# TextUI 'ox' | 'qb' | 'esx'
setr bl:textui 'ox'